Intervention musician for schools

Teacher : Damien GASTAUD

The "Musicien Intervenant en Milieu Scolaire" (or MIMS) is a qualified musical artist, holding the "Diplôme Universitaire de Musicien Intervenant" (DUMI).

Equipped with a solid musical training, he or she is above all open to the plurality of cultures and musical styles. Their role is to help children acquire musical and cross-disciplinary knowledge, skills and know-how. He works in close partnership with schoolteachers in the musical initiation offered to children, and under the aegis of the Principality's various cultural bodies.

His wide-ranging skills include singing, playing an instrument, introducing children to different types of instrument, conducting an instrumental or vocal ensemble, arranging and even composing. He or she is an essential part of shows for young audiences, where he or she is involved as a musician-artist and mediator.

His or her frame of reference covers four essential areas:

  • Designing and managing artistic projects;
  • Educate, teach and transmit;
  • Act as an artist-musician who is involved "in the field";
  • Contribute to the cultural development of the region in which he works.

He works in the schools of Fontvieille, des Révoires, la Condamine, Saint Charles, des Carmes, Stella, FANB, du Parc and Saint Maur.

His versatility makes him both a pedagogue and a player in cultural development.

Specializing in early-learning and musical education, he works mainly in nursery and elementary school. He is a member of the teaching team at the Académie Rainier III, itself under the authority of the Monaco City Council.

He intervenes during school or extracurricular time, and implements transdisciplinary and/or multi-artistic musical projects. It encourages concentration, expressiveness and pleasure in every child through collective practice.

Driven by a spirit of curiosity, research, innovation and creation, he or she develops strategies for approaching all audiences, and develops children's expression, invention and listening skills.

His knowledge of the local socio-cultural fabric enriches his approach to openness, innovation and experimentation; it also enables him to broaden individual and collective cultures by adding a diversified perspective in terms of styles and eras.